Reach the Largest Candidate Pool of Women in Tech®
- 30 day job post
- Create a company profile
- Track applicants
- Live chat with applicants
- Job post published in job alert email
- 30 day job post
- Create a company profile
- Track applicants
- Live chat with applicants
- Job post published in job alert email
- Highlight - Your job is spotlighted for increased visibility
- Pin - Your job post is pinned to the top of the search results for 30 days.
- 60 day job post
- Create a company profile
- Track applicants
- Live chat with applicants
- Job post published in job alert email
- Highlight - Your job is spotlighted for increased visibility
- Pin - Your job post is pinned to the top of the search results for 60 days.
- Featured Employer - Stand out with your company's logo on the career center homepage
- Increased Reach - We’ll publish your job through our partners to maximize applications
Looking for Custom Packages?
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Purchase packs of job posts
Integrate your ATS for automatic job postings/job scrape
Feature your company profile to maximize attention
Publish your jobs to our network of relevant industry and professional career centers
Attract diverse talent through our network of diverse community career centers
Do you have questions or looking for a subscription/unlimited job posting option?
Call (855) 777-1072 to ask about multiple job posting packages and custom packages